目前分類:【機師必知航空知識】 (186)
- Jan 30 Sat 2016 12:50
- Jan 14 Thu 2016 15:39
- Jan 13 Wed 2016 16:55
【機師考試小知識:Diamond 40 】
- Jan 04 Mon 2016 18:27
- Jan 03 Sun 2016 16:40
讓我們跟著達美航空區域性噴射機 CRJ-400的起飛前準備影片,一起開啟飛行的一天吧!
- Dec 12 Sat 2015 15:24
【機師考試小知識:Flight Radar 24 神 APP】
最近幾年航迷間廣泛流傳的一個APP「Flight Radar 24」可以告訴我們現在飛越你頭頂的航班,是哪間公司的飛機,

- Dec 08 Tue 2015 19:46
- Nov 25 Wed 2015 16:22
- Oct 06 Tue 2015 16:50
美機師猝死 副駕駛接手平安降落
- Oct 04 Sun 2015 17:44
(以下僅供簡略快速換算,實際換算請依照Pilot Operating Handbook 或 Airplane Flight Manual)
Rules of Thumb.
Listed below are some tried and tested aviation rules of thumb that can help you become a safer, more competent pilot. These is just a sampling of the many that exist. If you have any that you’d like to add, please leave a comment. Unless otherwise specified they are intended for light aircraft. Never, at any time should they be substituted for figures found in your specific aircraft Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) or Airplane Flight Manual (AFM). Nor should they be used as a substitute for any Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR), or just plain old common sense. How’s that for fine print?
- Oct 01 Thu 2015 14:11
12 Things Every Pilot Should Do Before Flying
It may be second nature to you, but don't forget what flying really means.
You're about to pilot a complicated piece of equipment through the air with passengers that rely on you for safety. Here are a few things every pilot should do before takeoff:
1) Check The Logbooks
Always remember to check the aircraft logbooks before you fly. Even if the plane has been inspected, it's not technically airworthy until it's been properly signed off in the logbook. As PIC, the responsibility will fall on you for flying an un-airworthy aircraft.
- Sep 30 Wed 2015 14:05
【機師考試必知:什麼是儀器檢定(Instrument Rating)?】
9 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Instrument Rating
Getting your instrument rating is one of the best and safest things you can do as a pilot.
Here's why:
1) You'll have more situational awareness
Learning to fly in IMC shoots your situational awareness through the roof. And, you'll be more prepared for unexpected weather on any flight.
- Sep 25 Fri 2015 15:17

When you bank while maintaining altitude, your stall speed increases. And it's something that you need to be aware of, especially when you're in the traffic pattern. So why does stall speed increase when you start rolling left or right?
- Sep 23 Wed 2015 12:17
【機師考試小知識:讓我們跟著KLM 747機長一起飛!】
請點以下連結讓我們跟著KLM 747機長一起飛完成詳細的Pre-flight, Taxi, Take off, Oceanic clearance, Decent and Landing介紹與操作吧!!!!!
準備好了嗎? 登機門即將關閉!
- Sep 21 Mon 2015 12:36
【機師考試小知識:想知道什麼是飛機雲嗎? 】

Contrails are real - they're not a government conspiracy to spray chemicals (big surprise, huh?!?). But, did you know there are two types of contrails? Aircraft can generate both aerodynamic contrails and exhaust contrails.
Contrails are "condensation trails," and they have nothing to do with chemicals. They occur when water condenses into a cloud - in either liquid or ice-crystal form. Contrails come in two varieties: aerodynamic and exhaust contrails.
- Sep 17 Thu 2015 15:57
They rarely happen, but these are some of the most notable uncontained engine failures in airline jet history.
1) Qantas Flight 32
On November 4th, 2010, a Qantas A380 took off from London Heathrow, bound for Sydney, Australia, with a stopover in Singapore. 4 minutes after takeoff from Singapore's Changi airport, the #2 engine developed an oil leak from a manufacturing defect, which led to an oil fire. The fire then caused the engine's Intermediate Pressure Disk to break. Three pieces of the disk broke off, puncturing the engine cowling and wing, and severing multiple sets of wires in the wing. However, the pilots were able to fly the badly damaged airplane to back to Changi airport and safely land, with no injuries to the crew or passengers.
- Sep 14 Mon 2015 14:59
There are some experiences that no pilot should miss out on. Here are a few things to check off on your pilot bucket list. (Remember to ALWAYS fly with an instructor if you are not properly licensed, rated, trained, or comfortable with a flight activity!)
1) Aerobatic Flying
Straight-and-level flight is nice, but seeing the world upside-down is unforgettable.
2) Complex Aircraft
While you may never need a complex aircraft rating, it's a worthwhile experience nonetheless. Find a local instructor to try it out. But please, don't forget to lower the landing gear!
- Sep 04 Fri 2015 14:24
Aviation Weekly 八月訊:http://goo.gl/mWamC5
- Aug 13 Thu 2015 02:20
有些是good to have,例如:航空無線電、防曬噴霧、降溫噴霧、遮陽板。我們將用一系列的文章讓各位在飛行時,減少摸索的時間。
- Aug 06 Thu 2015 14:31
【機師考試小知識: 如何練習ATC?】
教官今天就要來教教各位準機師們,使用ATC練習範例的步驟吧:Good ATC listening practice and example in USA
第一步可以先聽請楚主角的call sign,然後當ATC呼叫男主角的呼號時,要能夠aware自己被叫到,並且可以跟著一起read back。